Get Involved

Learning by Making trains students to design and construct their own experiments to make scientific measurements that are personally relevant, and that are critical to the future of our economy and our planet. Learning by Making is a one-year science-driven computational-thinking integrated STEM curriculum that improves mathematical and science proficiency for high-needs primarily rural students in California high schools. This novel high-school curriculum uses computational thinking, coding in the Logo language, and the analysis of data from a variety of sensors to focus on real world problem solving. Experiments are aligned with Disciplinary Core Ideas, Cross Cutting Concepts, and Scientific and Engineering Design Practices in the Next Generation Science Standards. Additionally, experiments are designed with the Mathematical Practices in the Common Core Mathematical Standards and California 2018 Computer Science Standards.
Our Program
Learning by Making is currently a year-long curriculum, that has been developed for ninth grade students. It has been approved by the UC/CSU articulation process as an Area D (Laboratory Science) college preparatory course.
How to Get involved
If you would like to contribute to our program or volunteer your skills, then please fill out the form below. You will be contacted by our team with details. If you are interested in implementing the program at your school, then please fill out the form below with your details and a way for us to contact your administrators.
What Equipment do you Need?
The most recent version of our curriculum runs on any computer with a Chrome browser through our customized web app. The electronic experiments use an Arduino Metro Mini, connected to a computer via a USB cable. The Arduino connects to sensors and lights on the breadboard that can be controlled from the computer.
We pride ourselves in our ability to respond to student and teacher needs. For more information about adopting Learning by Making in your high school, please fill out the form below or email